We offer rush and same day services upon request and availability.
Business Hours

Weekdays - 10AM to 6PM Sat- 1PM to 6PM
Sunday - Closed

Same Day Alterations

We complete most alterations in just 7 days, however if you’re in a pinch and are in need of last minute alterations we can probably help. Bring us your garments in the morning & have them back by the end of the day (or sooner). We understand that things happen. Whether the dress you ordered three months ago just got delivered for the wedding you’re attending in a week or you just arrived in town for a business meeting but the airline lost your luggage and now here you are with the new suit you bought that doesn’t fit… No worries, we’re here to help!

We can assist in turning around your alterations as quickly as you need them. 3 days, two days, and even same day for most of our alteration services. Please note there is an expedited service fee that applies for rush tailoring. Just come in no appointment needed or give us a call as soon as possible. From there we’ll determine, based on your alterations, how quickly we can get your garment(s) back to you. The fee is based on the number of items you need tailored as well as how soon you need them by.

We offer professional tailoring services at our studios, your home, or office so you can get the tailoring you need at the time and place that works best for you.